Wednesday, 8 November 2017

12 Things People Say To Alternative Girls

Throughout all my teenage years and now my adult life I have always appreciated the darker things in life. I love black, horror, metal, skulls, piercings and tattoos. Some of my friends even jokingly call me the 'Queen of Darkness'. Because of me just being me, I have experienced my fair share of bullying and ignorant comments, so I thought I would turn them into a humorous post you may be able to relate to. This is for you fabulous alternative, gothic and/or metalhead girls.

It's not Halloween yet- Wow. If I had a pound for every time I've heard that throughout my life I could afford an awesome Halloween party! Sweetheart, it is Halloween all year round for me.

"EMO!"- Mainly something I consistently heard through high school and do still get it very occasionally. Thank you for shouting out a label at me, I so much appreciate it.

Do you slit your wrists?- Another one I heard mainly in high school but still get it now and again. No, I do not slit my wrists. Why do I have to show you my wrists to prove it? You don't just blurt out asking if people self harm, and you shouldn't assume I do so just because I wear black.

Do you worship Satan?- Oh yes. Satan is my Daddy. I sacrifice a goat to him at least once a week. Just kidding, I'm an Atheist and a Vegetarian actually.

Why would you wear that?- Why would you wear what you wear? Because you like it? Well, I like what I wear too. I love clothes with skulls on and I love showing my personality through what I wear. My choice of clothing usually starts conversations, so that's cool.

Why do you listen to scary music?- Because I LOVE it! It's not scary to me. I love the riffs, the badass guitar solos, the drums, the lyrics... I love how each member of the band has a talent. The atmosphere at metal concerts is also brilliant. And yes, I can fall asleep to metal and I can drive to metal; I don't find it distracting.

Do you even understand what they're screaming?- Honestly, sometimes no, sometimes yes. Sometimes I have to look up the lyrics to understand what they're singing. But I do have a good ear for understanding some of what they say. Either way I love it and will attempt singing along, even if I can't sing (or scream).

You wear too much black- Yeah, well, I'm  prepared for your funeral. Black is actually a professional colour, and it goes with everything!! I do wear other colours, for example I love burgundy and my hair is purple. I just prefer black. Why do you wear pink? I hate pink, but that doesn't mean I am going to criticise anyone who wears it.

You could be so pretty if you didn't ruin yourself with those piercings and tattoos- Shut up. I've only got the one tattoo at the moment but I know lots of people who get this. I get tattooed and pierced because I LIKE IT. My body is a canvas and I am turning it into art I love with piercings and tattoos. I don't care if you don't find it attractive, because I do.

You won't get a boyfriend looking like that- I don't dress myself in the hope that I'll attract a mate, I dress to impress myself. But trust me, there are plenty of men and women who find the alternative culture attractive ;-). I've certainly managed to have metalhead and non-metalhead boyfriends in the past.

You must be depressed/suicidal- Mental health doesn't have to link to the music you like, the clothes you like or your personality. There are plenty of happy goths! We don't sit in a group telling each other that we hate our lives and want to die, contrary to popular opinion. 

You're weird- Thank you! That's a genuine compliment to me. All the best people are.

If you're someone who is perhaps younger and is experienced bullying, I would just like to say that there is nothing wrong with being alternative! You shouldn't have to change yourself to fit in with the rest of the herd. You being exactly how you want to be is the best version of yourself. People will start telling you later on how they "Admire your personal style and being who you want to be", or deep down think it. You're awesome!

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